About Karley Tamone

Get to know our exceptional team member.


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Meet Karley

Administrative Assistant

Being born and raised in Santa Clara, Karley has become an expert on Santa Clara County and its surrounding areas. Her experience of living in the Bay Area has provided Karley with an opportunity to learn about its culture, which has shaped her into the person she is today. As a person and as part of the real estate community, she embodies positivity, ethics, and creativity. 

Karley studied at San Francisco State University where she received a Bachelors in Kinesiology and began working in the fitness industry and helping members with their fitness goals. As she considered making a career change, she wanted to do something that would challenge her on both a professional and personal level. Karley realized her passion was to use her creative and social talents to grow more connections with her community. What better way to pursue her passion than to get started in real estate? 

She takes great pride in being honest, sincere, and professional and her dedication to personalized service exemplifies her passion by offering services that represent the specific needs of each family she works with. Karley is eager to start connecting with new clients and guiding them through their real estate journey. 

She loves being outdoors and is motivated by her dog, Whistler, as well as her family and friends!

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