Probate and Trust

At North and Main, our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive solutions for all your Probate and Trust Estate requirements. We prioritize the highest level of fiduciary care and strive to deliver exceptional service. Our ultimate goal is to be your "One Stop Shop" for all aspects of preparing the house for sale, handling financial constraints, and managing logistics with out-of-state trustees.


Our team is always eager to assist with various tasks, including yard debris cleanup, window washing, and tackling any unexpected issues that may arise during the home preparation process. We understand the importance of conducting a thorough property analysis that aligns with the estate's best interests.


At North and Main, we offer two common strategies:

  1. Clean up, light renovations, and sell: This approach involves enhancing the property's appeal through minor renovations and improvements before listing it for sale.

  2. Clean up, full renovations, and sell: With this strategy, we undertake comprehensive renovations to maximize the property's value and attractiveness before putting it on the market.

Both strategies are inclusive of our full-service options at North and Main, with no additional management fees.


We are here to provide you with a seamless experience and expert guidance throughout the Probate and Trust Estate process. Trust North and Main to handle every detail and ensure the best outcome for your estate.


Work With Us

Get assistance in determining current property value, crafting a competitive offer, writing and negotiating a contract, and much more. Contact us today.

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